Today, we share a 4-letter word for the Word with room or bot Crossword Clue that was published by NYT on Nov 8, 2024. We have a total of 1 answer(s) in our archived database, but we picked the nearest solution that is CHAT. If you have trouble finding answers to questions, use the Crossword Solver tool.
Check Hints:- Word starting with "C" and ending with "T".
- It has 1 vowel that is "A".
- Unscramble words are HTAC, TCHA, HCTA.
- The answer has 4 letters.
Crossword Answer for Word with room or bot
Click on [ ? ] to reveal letters.- 1?2?3?4?
Rating | Answer | Clue |
★★☆☆☆ | CASA (4) | First word in some Spanish restaurant names |
★★☆☆☆ | OPEN (4) | Neon sign word |
★★☆☆☆ | HAT (3) | Word before “tip” or after “top” |
Word | Definition |
Word | to express in speech sounds [v -ED, -ING, -S] |
Room | to occupy a room [v -ED, -ING, -S] |
Bot | to cadge [v BOTTED, BOTTING, BOTS] |
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