Golden retriever who ends up with a chocolate lab? Crossword Clue

Today, we share a 13-letter word for the Golden retriever who ends up with a chocolate lab? Crossword Clue that was published by NYT on Nov 1, 2024. We have a total of 1 answer(s) in our archived database, but we picked the nearest solution that is CHARLIEBUCKET. If you have trouble finding answers to questions, use the Crossword Solver tool.

Check Hints:
  • Word starting with "C" and ending with "T".
  • It has 5 vowels that are "A, I, E, U, E".
  • The answer has 13 letters.

Crossword Answer for Golden retriever who ends up with a chocolate lab?

Click on [ ? ] to reveal letters.
  • 1?2?3?4?5?6?7?8?9?10?11?12?13?

★☆☆☆☆GOOGLE (6)Company whose name is spelled with up to 10 O’s toward the bottom of its webpages
★☆☆☆☆LIPREADER (9)One who sees what you mean?
★☆☆☆☆BAYARDRUSTIN (12)Political activist who organized 1963’s March on Washington
★☆☆☆☆PROTON (6)Two up quarks and a down quark


Goldenof the colour of gold [adj GOLDENER, GOLDENEST, GOLDENLY] / to become like gold [v -ED, -ING, -S]
Retrieverone of a breed of large gun dogs that can be trained to retrieve game [n -S]
Whowhich person [pron]
EndsEND, to terminate [v]
Chocolatea paste made of the ground seeds of the cocoa plant, with sugar and flour or similar material, usually hardened into slabs [n -S]
Lab(short for) a laboratory [n -S]

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