Ancient sailors used them to navigate Crossword Clue

Today, we share a 5-letter word for the Ancient sailors used them to navigate Crossword Clue that was published by NYT Mini on Oct 14, 2024. We have a total of 1 answer(s) in our archived database, but we picked the nearest solution that is STARS. If you have trouble finding answers to questions, use the Crossword Solver tool.

Check Hints:
  • Word starting with "S" and ending with "S".
  • It has 1 vowel that is "A".
  • Unscramble words are ASSRT, TSRAS, TRASS.
  • The answer has 5 letters.

Crossword Answer for Ancient sailors used them to navigate

Click on [ ? ] to reveal letters.
  • 1?2?3?4?5?

★★☆☆☆EAGLE (5)Bird that has been used by the Dutch police to take down illegal drones
★★☆☆☆MUDS (4)Lubricants used in oil drilling
★★☆☆☆TONGS (5)Equipment used while barbecuing
★★☆☆☆HENNA (5)Dye used in many South Asian wedding celebrations
★★☆☆☆BONGO (5)Drum used in son cubano music
★★☆☆☆LENSFILTERS (11)They might be used to change the tone of a film
★★☆☆☆ATELIER (7)Studio canteen regularly used by one that’s down?


Ancientvery old, also ANTIENT [adj ANCIENTER, ANCIENTEST, ANCIENTLY] / an old person [n -S]
SailorsSAILOR, a member of a ship's crew [n]
UsedUSE, to put into service [v]
Navigateto conduct and manage a course [v NAVIGATED, NAVIGATING, NAVIGATES]

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